Typography - Task 2 : Text Formatting


3/11/2023 - 10/11/2023 (Week 6 - Week 7)
Dea Natasha Binti Mohd Khairul Fauzi (0368610)
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media

Task 2


Week 7 (10/11/2023) : Mr. Vinod checked all of our works and gave us feedbacks. I got to see my classmates' works. My work was mostly wrong because I didn't read the instructions carefully, but when I got home, I immediately started fixing my work.




Friday, 3/11/2023

Before choosing the text that I will be editing, I did some research on magazine layouts.

Figure 2.1 : Examples of magazine layouts

After that, I read all three texts that were provided by Mr. Vinod. After choosing the first text, I decided to start sketching their designs first.

Figure 2.21 : Text 1 layout sketches

Figure 2.22 : Text 1 layout sketches

I liked the first and second sketches, so I tried to roughly do the layouts for both sketches.

Figure 2.31 : First rough layout

Figure 2.32 : Second rough layout

I decided to go on with the second idea. So, I began making the title in Adobe Illustration.
Figure 2.33 : Title design

After finishing the title in Adobe Illustration, I went to Adobe Indesign and added the title to the text.

Figure 2.34 : Final design

Thursday, 16/11/2023

However, after finishing the Bauhaus layout, I realised that I didn't really like it. So, I decided to try and design the layout for the second text.

Figure 2.41 : Text 2 layout sketches

Figure 2.42 : Designing the title

Figure 2.43 : Final composition


Figure 2.51 : Layout without guide

Figure 2.52 : Layout with guide


This assignment in even harder than the first one. However, it got easier as I watched more tutorials on Youtube. My friend also helped me a lot.

I have to read the instructions correctly which were provided in Microsoft Teams.

All articles in the world follow the same steps when they were created. I have to learn from the professionals in order to create an amazing text composition.


Week 7 feedback
Specific : Short line length. The size of the page is wrong.
General : Reduce the usage of graphical elements. Make sure the number of characters is maximum 60 per line.


I read Typographic Design: Form and Communication by Rob Carter in order to do this assignment.

Figure 3.1 : Cover for Typographic Design: Form and Communication by Rob Carter

Figure 3.12 : Page 43

Spatial measurement as shown in the page above means the size of the font. Each purpose such as title and regular sentence has it's suitable font size.

Figure 3.13 : Page 47

Most fonts have many designs which we call "family". For example, the Univers family.

Figure 3.14 : Page 68

When designing an article in a page, the proportion of the text and pictures must be planned out first.

Figure 3.15 : Page 71

Single column grids are the most common proportion used.

Figure 3.16 : Page 75

When working with multicolumn grids, it is important to balance three independent variables which are type size, line length and leading.
Figure 3.17 : Page 81

Grids allow the contents in a page to be arranged in the perfect order to make it easier to be read.



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