Design Research Methodology (Task 1)

Design Research Methodology (Task 1)

Dea Natasha Binti Mohd Khairul Fauzi (0368610)
23/04/2024 - 28/05/2024 (Week 1 - Week 6)
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Design Research Methodology

Task 1 - Research Proposal



Week 1 (23/04/2024) : Task 1 is research proposal which contains our research topic. For this research, we have to select a topic related to one specialisation that we will be choosing soon. We should also look for research articles online to see whether our research topic is ok to work on. 

Week 2 (30/04/2024) : Everyone in the class was separated according to our specialisation. This week, Dr Luqman asked us to come up with a research proposal related to our specialisation. A research proposal is made up of different sections. First, we have to figure out a problem statement. It is then displayed in two aspects which answer the problem statement. After that, we would have research objectives (RO) and research questions (RQ).  

Week 3 (07/05/2024) : After a week of doing research, we continued with the feedback sessions for our proposals. 

Week 4 (14/05/2024) : 

Week 5 (21/05/2024) : 

Week 6 (28/05/2024) : 


Week 2 (30/04/2024)

I had a hard time choosing a topic, so I ended up with 3 topics. Then, during the feedback session, I discussed with Mr Luqman and we decided to proceed with option 1. 

1.    Option 1

2.    Option 2

Week 6 (28/05/2024)


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