Vehicle & Props Design (Task 1)

Vehicle & Props Design (Task 1)

Dea Natasha Binti Mohd Khairul Fauzi (0368610)
03/10/2024 - 31/10/2024 (Week 02 - Week 06)
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media

Task 1 - Pre Production



Week 03 (10/10/2024) :

Project 1 : 
1. Complete the proposal
2. Sketch : there's 3 types; air, land and water. Choose 1 type. Then, choose 1 class; fighter, defender, transport, race. Do a moodboard for the class. Moodboard must have pics of real existing vehicle as the subject matter. 

Week 04 (17/10/2024) :
Pick 1 type of vehicle (air, land or water)
Expand the idea by doing silhouette
Do multiple silhouettes
Must be logical
Do exterior and interior

Week 05 (24/10/2024) :
When drawing a vehicle, start with a general shape (usually boxes)
Focus on its functionality

Week 06 (31/10/2024) :
Designing a vehicle absed on an organic matter is a bit difficult
Look for reference pictures of the organic matter
Look for pictures of the vehicle that we want to design
Combine the two pcitures
Make different designs like different stages to show the design progression

Week 07 (07/11/2024) :
When drawing a vehicle from different perspectives, start with the most basic shape; a square
Reference pictures are very important
Exaggerate the design; big wheels, big lights, long seats
Feedbacks: Can proceed to the detailed design. Draw from different angles. 


3.1    Moodboard

Week 2 (03/10/2024)

We have to start by choosing a theme for our vehicles and make a moodboard for it. 

3.2    Sketches

Week 3 (10/10/2024) 

Last week, we were given a briefing about our final project which is to design a vehicle.

I started off with a bumblebee helicopter. 

Next, I designed a cheetah racing bike. 

Finally, I designed a turtle cruiser. 

3.3    Silhouette

Week 04 (17/10/2024)

We have to choose one type of vehicle and expand the idea. Begin by creating silhouettes. I chose to do a bumblebee transporter helicopter. 

After a feedback session, Mr Kannan told me that he likes design number 5 and 6. He said I should focus and developing my idea based on those two chosen silhouettes. 

3.4    Details

Week 05 (24/10/2024)

I chose design number 5 and did more explorations. I began making first designs for the details for the helicopter. 



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